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Help CenterHow To GuidesHow to CreateMusicPlay music across multiple segments

Play music across multiple segments

Last updated July 1, 2024

  1. On the edit page of a track, hover over the first segment you want to play music in and click on the music option. In this example, click on Adventures.
Play music across multiple segments
  1. This would open up the music panel on the left.
Play music across multiple segments
  1. On the script edit page, check the segments you would like the music to play across, and leave all the remaining unchecked.
Play music across multiple segments
  1. On the music panel, select the song of interest, Behind the Curtain, for example. Then click on Apply to x selected segments.
Play music across multiple segments
  1. When the track is produced, the music selected (Behind the Curtain) will play across the 4 selected segments.
Play music across multiple segments

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