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Help CenterAccount ManagementChange login or personal details

Change login or personal details

Last updated August 1, 2024

Change password

  1. Go to the  sign up page  and click on Sign in on the bottom of the page.
  1. If you are already logged in, you would need to log out from  Wondercraft  by clicking on Sign out on the bottom left corner.
  1. Click on Forgot password? on the bottom of the page, and enter the email address registered with your Wondercraft account.
  2. You will receive an email containing a password reset link. Follow the instructions in the email to reset your password.

Change name

  1. Go to your  Account  page.
  2. Edit your name, then click on Save.

Change email

To change the email address associated with your Wondercraft account, please contact us either via the chat bubble on the bottom right corner or email  support@wondercraft.ai .

Change billing information

  1. Go to the  subscription management  page.
  2. Click on Manage subscription, which will take you to Stripe.
  3. Edit payment method or billing information on Stripe.

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