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License and copyright

Last updated October 9, 2024

All voices, songs and sound effects available from Wondercraft audio studio are royalty-free and licensed for personal and commercial use for paid (Creator, Pro, or Enterprise) users. This means you can distribute and monetize off of the audio tracks made on Wondercraft during the subscription period, using Wondercraft-provided voices, songs, and sound effects, royalty-free during and after your Wondercraft subscription. (See here for information on  uploaded assets .)

For Starter or Free users, all Wondercraft-owned voices, songs and sound effects are strictly restricted to personal and non-commercial uses only.

The copyright of everything you create on Wondercraft lies with you and you only. Should Wondercraft wish to use one of your Wondercraft-created audio tracks for marketing purposes, we must obtain your prior written-approval.

See our  Terms of Service  and  Privacy Policy  for more information.

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