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Help CenterHow To GuidesHow to CreateSpeechScriptAdd, delete, split and combine clips

Add, delete, split and combine clips

Last updated August 21, 2024

Each paragraph in your script represents a standalone audio clip.

Add an empty clip

From your keyboard

Press Enter on your keyboard at the end of the previous paragraph, like you would on any text editor like Microsoft Word.

From the edit page

  1. Hover over the previous paragraph.
Add, delete, split and combine clips
  1. Click on the plus sign in the bottom centre of the paragraph, then click on Add another segment.
Add, delete, split and combine clips
  1. There is now an empty segment.
Add, delete, split and combine clips

Delete a clip

From the script editor

  1. Click on the segment of interest, then select all the text from this paragraph.
Add, delete, split and combine clips
  1. Then press Backspace on your keyboard.

From the timeline

  1. Select the audio clip of interest from the timeline.
Add, delete, split and combine clips
  1. Then press Backspace on your keyboard.
Add, delete, split and combine clips

Split a clip

  1. Navigate to where you would want the paragraph to split.
Add, delete, split and combine clips
  1. Press Enter.
Add, delete, split and combine clips

Combine two clips

  1. Navigate to the first word of the latter segment.
Add, delete, split and combine clips
  1. Press Backspace on your keyboard.
Add, delete, split and combine clips

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